
03/11/2013         Building Grading Review                            Incomplete
03/11/2013         Building Grading 2 Review                         Failed
                            Adequate Erosion/Sediment Control:  The plan must show adequate ESC measures...[REW-1 
                                     Comments] (1) Provide silt fence along frontage of the lot.
                                     Plan ID Proper Size: The plan must liust the Subdivision name, section, lot number, TM and street 
                                     name.  The plan must have a graphic scale, North arrove and be signed and sealed bu a PE or LS.  
                                     The plan must list the tax map identification of the lot/parcel either in the title or as a note.  The 
                                     minimum text height should be 0.1 inches high...[REW-1 Comments] (1) Resubmit the A/P.  
                                     Deliver four (4) copies of the corrected plan to the Department of Public Works.  In addition, for 
                                     any plan greater than 11" x 17" in size, bring in a CD with a .PDF file of the revised plan.
03/11/2013         Planning CBA Review of Permit                 Approved
03/11/2013         Zoning Review                                          Approved
03/13/2013         Building Grading 2 Review                         Approved
                              All issues resolved from 3/11/2013.
03/15/2013         Building Residential Plans Review               Approved
03/19/2013         Building Application Review                       Approved
03/19/2013         Utility Contract Review                              Approved
03/19/2013         Building Appication Final Review
03/20/2013         Erosion, First-Steep Slope                       Passed
03/24/2013         Footing                                                     Passed
                              Footings inspected 3-21-13. 16" x 8' wall footings.  One (1) in-line garage column footing (1) 39" 
                                     x 39'.  Good bearing.  In-ground with egress window (no areaway).  No rebar.  No grounding 
                                     electrode in footings.
03/24/2013         Foundation Wall                                        Passed
                              Walls inspected 3-22-13.  8" wide/8' high centered on footings.  60 psf walls with #4 bars vertical    
                                      @ 16" o.c. and #4 bars horizontal @ 24" o.c. Grounding electrode (#4 bar) in walls on left side 
                                      behind corner.
03/24/2013         Footing/Garage/Carport                              Passed
                              Attached garage footings inspected 3-21-13.  16" x 8" footings.  One (1) in-line column footing - 
                                      (1) 39" x 39".  Good bearing.
03/29/2013         Plumbing/Groundworks                             Passed
03/29/2013         Plumbing/Water Line                                 Passed
03/29/2013         Plumbing – Public/Sewer Line                    Passed
04/12/2013         Braced W/L/Wind Bracing/Res                   Partial Passed
                               Need g/b inspection.  UPDATE: Passed on 4/30/2013.
04/24/2013         Waterproofing                                           Passed
                               Waterproofing and draintile inspected 3-29-13.  Walls sprayed in areas to receive unbalanced 
                                       backfill.  Wall ties parged.  Draintile, gravel, and fabric per Code and plans.  Footing weepholes 
04/24/2013         Footing/Deck/Porch                                   Passed
                               Porch footings inspected with basement footings.  16" x 8" footings.  Good bearings.
04/24/2013         Slab/On Grade/Basement                           Passed
                               Basement slab inspected 4-2-13.  Inground basement with interior draintile to sump crock.  No  
                                       areaway.  No insulation needed.  Gravel and plastic under slab.  Welded wire mesh reinforcement.
04/24/2013         Slab/Garage/Carport/Barn                           Passed
                               Garage slab inspected 4-2-13.  Structural slab with two grade beams with (3) #5 bars each.  Slab 
                                       steel #3 bars at 8" o.c. front to rear and 16" o.c. side to side.  Slab ledge in rear.  Plastic under 
04/24/2013         Wall Preparation                                        Passed
04/24/2013         Backfill                                                     Passed
                               Backfill placed after waterproofing inspection performed on 3-29-13.  60 psf wall designs with 7 
                                       feet maximum unbalanced backfill.  Backfill to consist of soils with USCS classification of clayey 
                                       sand or better.  
04/24/2013         Plumbing/Rough-In                                    Passed
04/24/2013         Mechanical/Rough-in                                  Passed
04/24/2013         Mechanical/Gas Line/Inside                        Passed
04/24/2013         Electric/Rough-in                                       Passed
04/24/2013         Electric/Meter/Permanent                           Passed
04/24/2013         Electric/Steel & Bonding/Uffer                    Passed
04/24/2013         Framing                                                    Partial Passed
                                 Need to add f/p on permit / inspected fp with 600.  UPDATE: Passed on 04/26/2013.
04/24/2013         Waterproofing Membrane/Flashing              Passed
04/26/2013         Fireplace/Prefab/Reline                               Passed
04/26/2013         Framing                                                    Passed
04/26/2013         Energy                                                      Passed
04/26/2013         Insulation                                                  Passed
04/30/2013         Braced W/L/Wind Bracing/Res                   Passed
06/08/2013        Slab/Porch/Patio                                        Passed
                                  Porch slab inspected 5/21/13.  Slab steel #4 bars at 12" to 16" o.c.e.w.  Flashing on dwelling.   
                                             Turn down slab in rear on wall ledge.  Walls supporting slab on front and side. 
06/20/2013        Permanent Water Meter Set/Res                Passed
06/20/2013        Final                                                          Passed
06/21/2013        Erosion/Final                                             Failed
                                Sod to take root.

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